Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fire Brigade

Okay, so you all are going to laugh at me... Two days in a row we had the smoke alarm going off. It went off twice when Jesse was showering and once when I was boiling beans. The first time we took the proper precautions and checked everything and we didn't smell smoke. We figured the oil lamps or the steam from his shower set off the alarm. The second time it went off we didn't have the oil lamps going so we ruled that out as the problem. Jesse was showering and we figured it was the shower. The 3rd time was when I was boiling the beans and it really concerned me because it is 3 times in 2 days. I called 911 and I explained to the lady that it wasn't an emergency, but if she may know or not if it could be the steam. She said she should send someone out anyways. The big, red, fire-truck came driving down the street and parked right in front of our house! They were very thorough and I was super pleased. They checked the attic and crawl-space, didn't find anything. Right before he left he decided to check the circuit breaker and what do ya know, the smoke alarm one had be set off. He told us that the next time we shower or boil beans and the alarm sounds, go and check the breaker and see if it trips. If it does we have to call the builder and have the electrician come out and check. It was worth them coming out because we at least know there may be a problem. I even got emotional because we have worked so hard to have all of our wonderful things and the thought of something like fire is scary. All is good so far, I let ya know if the electrician comes out!!

Thanks Dad and Donna

Here are the things I got with my Jo-Ann's gift card you got me for Christmas. This stuff is for my table; there is a Valentines and St. Patricks table cloth. And fabric to make placemats for St. Patricks and 4th of July.
Here are some more things I got, all of the things in this picture were $1 except the picture frame with is in the back ground. The tags came 88 for a dollar, you'd be proud of your thrifty spender. Why not get the cheaper tags since you get 88 of 'em?

Here are some more things I found, the stamps, glitter glue, ink pads, paper and 3 stickers were $1 or under! The pens were only 2.50, If you can't tell I am proud of all the finds for a dollar. I got alot for my money and I made out pretty good.
I also got a basket that has dark wood woven through and light blue strands on a section. This is for my bedroom, so I can put my books and book lights and water in it at bedtime. We are getting organized at my house. My basket was 50% off so it was $10. I also got a holder for a spoon when I am cooking. In the dollar bin they have kids books and I got a little birthday present for the boy I watch. Thanks again you guys, it was much appreciated!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Ice Fishing

Here are the guys at Willow Creek; 15 minutes west of Augusta, which is west of here!!
Here is Jesse and Bob, his foreman from work.

Here is Jesse's Trout he caught. They use maggots.
Here is another picture of the lake at sunrise.

Thanks Dad and Donna

Here is the vase and flowers I got with my Michaels gift card!
Here are all the scrapbooking stuff I got!

Here it is again!!!


Can you see Tinks?

Can you see her now?

What about now?

Here she is!!!

And here's my baby!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ms. Sandie

Here ya go Ms. Sandie. These are some pictures of my mama and I making Beerrocks with Nana and Dana.
Thats ME

Here are our finished products.
Here are our Bread Machines we got for Christmas from our loving Husbands. We made our dinner roll dough in the machine and used that for the Beerrocks. For those of you in Fresno, CA who haven't had a beerrock, go to The Beerrock Shop on the NW corner of Bullard and West. They have the best beerrocks if you don't want to wait for the Fresno Fair. They're special is a beerrock, a side, and a soda for like $6 or so.

Garcia Family

Hey Garcia Family, here is Jesse's scrapbook I made him for Christmas of all the Garcia Kids!!

This is the Halloween Page of the Kids.
Here is the kids at Disneyland.

And Universal Studios

Thursday, January 8, 2009

More of the Ice fishing trip

Here is Jesse holding a trout.

Here are the fish Jesse brought home. When you catch a fish you throw it on the ice and it freezes almost immediately.

Here is a crack in the ice right by where they were at.
Here is Jesse filleting the trout. We got quite a few fillets from the bunch he brought home.
Here is a trout that was pregnant. Her eggs are on the top, they are a bunch of little round balls.

Jesse's IceFishing Trip

This is Holter Lake, which is about an hour away towards Helena. They went on a day trip to fish for trout.
This is Bob drilling the ice with the auger.Here is a hole they drilled, the lake had about 8 inches of ice. The minimum ice you want is 5inches or so. 8 inches is pretty good.

These cabins haven't always been here these are newer. That's the lake.

This is their spot they were fishing at.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Lily Madison!

Happy Birthday Lily Madison!! Uncle Jesse and Kari built you a snowman for your 5th Birthday. We love you!
Uncle Jess and your snowman! It snowed all day today on your birthday.
Kari and your snowman! Our snowman was a little small because the snow isn't very wet at this time of the year. The snow has to be wet to be able to pack it down into a ball. We made a mound instead, but it was very hard to pack tightly. Hope you like your snowman, Happy Birthday!!