Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We are still here!!!

I have been so busy, that I haven't been online in a while. I have been working at the Popcorn Colonel for the Christmas rush and boy was it a rush. There were mornings we were there at 7:30 and didn't leave til 6:00 pm. We popped almost 1000 lbs. of popcorn and it was exhausting. We had a white Christmas and we celebrated at our house this year. I have many pictures and will be getting them on here. We are enjoying ourselves here in Montana and can't wait to see what the New Year will bring!

1 comment:

Four Lil Monkeys said...

Hey girl! I am still here, too. Haven't been online as much, Shawn has been hogging the computer. He got a new computer r/c airplane flight simulator and has been playing like crazy. Anyway, glad to hear from you! Love ya'll and miss ya'll.