This is the Amur Maple we planted in our front yard on the side of the driveway. Charlie was helping us by hiding his bone in the dirt we dug up. The tree is tiny, but we are excited to watch it grow! This is a more recent picture of Charlie, so he IS kinda big!
12 years ago
OMG!!! I can see your neighborhood - how cool!!!! Jesse looks like he is enjoying the outside work. And that puppy is soooooo cute, wish we could have a dog.
Larena, You guys could always move here and play with Charlie!!! It would be like old times! ;)
Yeah, that'll be the day!!! I would love for us to be close again, but I don't like cold weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not that cold it's only supposed to be in the 20's and 30's by the end of the week, with snow showers!!
Yeah, that's not cold at all! You crazy girl!!! Anything below 70 is cold when you are from the south!
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