Yes, Jesse cut his hair, it was soo long. I AM helping in the picture below, I tore out grass too! We made a little flowerbed and planted Birch trees. We have birch trees like you Dad!!

Jesse and I got bowling balls a while back, and here they are!! We have the exact same ball just different weight and color.
Jesse and I started a small group at church and our first meeting was Sunday night. We had a wonderful time and it was soo awesome. We are doing a study called, Fireproof your Marriage. When we left there we were so pumped up, it's exciting to be involved in church and growing. We really feel that God has put us here to do great things. We feel that our marriage is growing like never before. We are closer to God and learning so much from Harvest Springs. Our study at church started the day my mom and dad got married so many years ago, and I feel like I owe it to my parents, as to Jesse, to really make our marriage work. It is easy to fall into satans traps and we chose we wouldn't do that. We are both helping the church with the Harvest Party, which is a safe Fall Party on Halloween. Jesse is doing a putting course for one of the games and he is excited to be involved. I am doing signs for all the games and it has been a blast decorating and basically scrappin'. I have been doing a lot of scrapbooking so when we get to come home we can show everyone the fun things we've been doing. It was nice making memories in California, but it's fun making memories in Montana too! We were put here for a reason and God will do his work!We Love you all and miss you!!!
Awwww! This was an awesome post - thanx for sharing about what's going on in your world!! Jesse - your hair looks great. I really like the pink bowling ball, Kari - it was cool!!!
Thank You, I picked it out myself and my high score was a 127, thats not bad for not bowling very long!!
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