So I have been scrapbookin like a wild woman because I want our family to see all the wonderful things we have done. Here is a baby shower we had, I used polk-a-dot ribbon as a border for some words. I used Pink flower stickers and I wrote what happened.

This is our fireproof ball and I decided to only mat the pic of Jesse and I because matted pics stand out more. I thought we were the most important thing on the page. I also used our movie ticket and one of our church bulletins for fireproof series.

Here is us at a picnic on the river, I matted all this pics on here. I have also used childrens picture books and cut out my fav pictures for this scene. The one cut-out I made going across the 2 pages so it flows all together.

Here is the girls professional pics they had done... this is in Jesse's album of his fam. On Lily's I uses plain paper and put cut outs from picture books (relating to school), this saves alot of money instead of buying stickers. I did Emma's very plain so you get the full effect of her.

Here is the garcia's fishing and swimming, sometimes I can't do a 2-page spread of one topic so I did 2 similiar topics. Again I used pic book cutouts, and I did not mat anything. When the paper is kinda plain you don't have to use mats, if the paper is wild you might want to mat the pics because they can get lost in the paper! Always put the date on your page so you know how old everyone was and the year.

I sometimes take only 6-8 pictures of the most important things that we do, so I don't have a million pictures to choose from. It can get overwhelming to have 20 pics of one topic because you tend to want to use all of them. It also save $ so you don't have to print a million pictures. If you just can't help taking alot of pictures, then print them in wallet size so you can fit them all on the page. I love rubber cement for glue, your pages won't curl!
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