I had an accident yesterday... I was getting ready for a dinner party with some friends from church and jesse let Charley play in the back yard on a chain. I saw that Charley was panting since it was 65*, I decided to go out and give him water and play with him for a minute. It was 4pm and so I had to hurry to get in the tub before my friends came. Charley was nipping and so I raised my hand to smack him and his mouth was open and I landed my hand on his tooth. I stabbed the palm of my hand on his tooth and it ripped open. I cupped my hand and the blood started pooling. I knew this was bad and I grabbed a towel and put pressure and held my hand above my head. When I looked at it closer I could see my fat splurging out over the cut. The cut is an inch long and the deepest point went into the muscle.
13 years ago
Ouch! That had to hurt!! That puppy must have some really sharp teeth. Did Jesse freak out?
No, he told me to suck it up. These things are easier for boys.
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