Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Snow

We are having a samll blizzard today. It is in the 20's and the wind is horrible. We have this snow drift in our driveway and we couldn't even pull the car in. All of the small groups were cancelled due to the weather. It is so windy that the way the snow blows you can't even walk with your eyes open. Here is Jesse with his leg in the snow to show you how high it is. We had to shovel because we still had to pull in the car.
Here I am trying to be in at least 1 picture. I ran out real quick to get a pic of Jesse. It is super cold, I was only out for no more than a minute.
Here is Jesse standing in front of the drift. What a Sunday!!!! Only in Montana.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Small Group Night

So we had our samll group on Sunday and it was wonderful. We had 5 people total including us and I think it was perfect because it was small and intimate. We had great discussion and we even had a confirmation from God. I know you're thinking WHAT? We had gotten on the discussion of WWJD Bracelets and that they would be a reminder of having a happy heart for Jesus and it would remind us to be humbled for him. It was a discussion we got into and later on in the study we were asked to read Deuteronomy 6:4-9; it talks about loving God with all your heart and then it says how to instill this commandment in your life. In verse 8 it says to tie them as symbols on your hands, well thats just what we had talked about with the WWJD Bracelets. Crazy huh? We all were like what in the world, how was this just a coincident? It wasn't! So this was our first group and it went well and we are excited to see what will happen next. Thank you for all your prayers for a good meeting.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stab Victim

I had an accident yesterday... I was getting ready for a dinner party with some friends from church and jesse let Charley play in the back yard on a chain. I saw that Charley was panting since it was 65*, I decided to go out and give him water and play with him for a minute. It was 4pm and so I had to hurry to get in the tub before my friends came. Charley was nipping and so I raised my hand to smack him and his mouth was open and I landed my hand on his tooth. I stabbed the palm of my hand on his tooth and it ripped open. I cupped my hand and the blood started pooling. I knew this was bad and I grabbed a towel and put pressure and held my hand above my head. When I looked at it closer I could see my fat splurging out over the cut. The cut is an inch long and the deepest point went into the muscle.

So I decided I needed to have it stiched. I went to the ER and they couldn't stitch it because the skin was torn so jagged that they thought the skin would tear with stiches. The decided to glue it shut and leave one end open for drainage.

Here is my bloody gauze after they glued it shut.

The Kids I Babysit

These are the babies I watch.
She's three and he's two.

He's 5 months

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Small Group

So, we start our small group on Sunday night. We are so excited and nervous and every other emotion you can imagine. We got the names and phone numbers yesterday and Jesse called to invite them to our house on Sunday. We have 12 people we are in contact with as of right now. We are super excited and just can't believe how God is using us here in Montana. We knew we wanted to get really involved in a church; there are so many ways to be involved at our church. We never thought we could grow so much and have such a close relationship with God, but our church has helped us to grow and learn all the things we really needed. I'll have to say, after our Fireproof series, we just blossomed as husband and wife. We are so close and in love, we are happy and excited about all the things God has in-store for us. We know we are in Montana for a reason and it is already showing. By the way, if you haven't seen Fireproof, at least rent it. And if you want to take the movie a step further get The Love Dare book.
Hope all is well! ~Kari

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Okay, so we are losers!! I know we haven't been on here in a while but our Internet was down and they finally sent us a new modem. I was sick with the stomach flu on the week we decided to be small group leaders at our church, which I'll explain in a bit. As I was recovering from the flu, I got a horrible cold. I have been worthless, I just haven't felt good. Our fish died, and it was probably for the better. I returned the fish and food and got my money back. We are still working on our seeds for the summer garden.
Our church had a vision night a few weeks ago and wanted to see many new things happening in our church. We have already gone from 2 to 3 services and on Easter weekend will be starting a 4th service on Saturday evenings. Our church has grown from like 200 people to 450 people in the last few months. Our church promotes small groups because you come to church to learn about God and grow close to him, but you can't really focus on friendships because there isn't enough time. The small group is where we make friends and those friends hold us accountable in our walk with God. It is just people to give us a good atmosphere. Anyways, recently our church has been asking different small group leaders who would be good candidates for new small group leaders. Our church wants 25 small groups this year and we have 10. 3 weeks ago we were asked to be leaders and we accepted the mission. We make #11!!!!!!! Our church does series every 4 to 6 weeks and the small group curriculum follows along. This helps people to get a better grasp on the sermons.
We are supposed to start next week and I know it will be great!