Thursday, November 13, 2008

Funny Faces

Ok here are our funny faces. Larena did this post on her blog and now we are copying. I know many of you are going to kill me for putting these on here, but these are great. Just think, you are bringing smiles to many faces!
Here is my mom painting my grandpas garage, we were all a little tired. Below is Jesse looking at me like, "I Know what I am talking about."

Eat that putty Jesse! He is drywalling grandpas garage.

I am a messy painter, not! It was simply a drip from the ceiling!

Go get 'em Jesse! Doesn't my baby look like a football player!

1 comment:

Four Lil Monkeys said...

I LOVE IT!! I am so glad you did this post - it is so cute. You have to tell your mom I love her look!! That is hilarious! You guys crack me up!