Monday, May 4, 2009

Rainbow Dam

Here is rainbow dam here in Great Falls. If you drive to the side of the dam you can always see a rainbow, it is really pretty.
Here we are in front of the dam.

This is at the dam still, but if you look on down the river.
Here is our new used car. We got a 2005 Chev Trailblazer with 49000 miles on it. It is soo nice to have a car that works and stuff. We may sell our Jeep since it doesn't even work.

Here is the front view.... YAY

Cruisin' The Drag

We just had our 10th annual cruisin' the drag this last weekend.
It wouldn't be a Montana car show w/out the John Deere

Here's Jesse and I at the Popcorn Col. stand. my mom was working and we stopped by to see her.

This is a truck from the truck and tractor pull.


Here is our yard looking NE down the street.
This is the first of the blizzard. We had like another 20 inches ater this

Our Jeep with snow on it

This is the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, which is down by the river.
Here I am helping Jesse shovel, DAD I am wearing the hat you got me!!!


I know we haven't been on here in a while, but I have a plethera of pics for you all. We have been so busy with church stuff and I sub'ed at the Popcorn Col. for 2 weeks and it has been snowing like crazy and it takes alot longer to do stuff when there is snow because of the shoveling and safe driving. Here is charleys kennel FULL of snow.
This is our 1st icicle, we haven't really had any on our house.
This is my friends trees with snow on 'em

Here is our house with all the snow

This is down by the riv er before the blizzard hit. We got a record of 25 inches in 3 days.